Yagi Antenna Range Calculator

There are several features of the design of a yagi antenna that affect its gain.
Yagi antenna range calculator. The dl6wu yagi is highly regarded as being easy to build with repeatable results broad bandwidth and a useful pattern. Long yagis are commonly used from the 144mhz amateur band to the 2 4ghz band. Mimomax offers a range of 700mhz antennas built to withstand harsh conditions and maintain communications over long paths and difficult terrain. Typically a reflector is the first element added in any yagi design as this gives the most.
Another ham brought to my attention that i should have indicated if this yagi antenna calculator is built with the yagi beam elements isolated from the boom or not isolated. The most obvious factor that affects the yagi antenna gain is the number of elements in the antenna. This page covers 3 element yagi antenna calculator. Yagi calculator yagi calculator is a windows program that also runs well on linux ubuntu 8 10 under wine to produce dimensions for a dl6wu style long yagi antenna.
With this yagi antenna calculator you will be able to build your own yagi antenna or at the very least compare it to other commercially made yagi antennas. The formula and basics of yagi antenna calculator are also explained with example. Yagi uda antenna gain considerations. Free online engineering calculator to find the dimensions of a yagi uda antenna for a given frequency range and length.
Yagi uda antennas consist of a single driven element connected to the transmitter or receiver with a transmission line and additional parasitic elements which are not connected to the transmitter or receiver. What is yagi antenna. A yagi uda antenna commonly known as a yagi antenna is a directional antenna consisting of multiple parallel elements in a line usually half wave dipoles made of metal rods. Yagi uda antenna calculator you may want to combine it with a folded dipole.
The simple yagi antenna is shown in the figure 1. Yagi calculator is a windows program that also runs well on linux ubuntu 8 10 under wine to produce dimensions for a dl6wu style long yagi antenna. Below is our range for yagi panel and omni directional antennas. Long yagis are commonly used from the 144mhz amateur band to the 2 4ghz band.
This calculator is designed to give the critical information of a particular beam antenna in this case a three element yagi for the frequency chosen. The calculators for other antenna types such as parabolic horn dipole and patch are also mentioned. Yagi uda antenna dl6wu php 14898 bytes 24 07 2014 07 55 47 yagi uda antenna calculator. Number of elements in the yagi.
Mhz boomlength m gain dbd approx elements.