Antena J Pole Budowa

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Antena j pole budowa. Matching to the feed line is achieved by sliding the connection of the feedline back and forth along the stub until an impedance match is obtained. Berdasarkan beberapa referensi dari internet saya mencoba untuk membuat j pole antenna yang cocok untuk band di yb. The sketch below shows its conceptual design from that patent. Categories antennas tags inductance j pole simulation stub uhf vhf.
The zepp antenna received its name from its use on zeppelin airships. 1 2 bølgelængde lang stråler koblet til det ene ben på en 1 4 bølgelængde balanceret stub. Ca militia 251 340 views. Elemen panjang long section 155 cm elemen pendek short section 53 cm spasi antar elemen spacing 4 cm feed point pada elemen panjang 6 5cm feed point pada elemen pendek 2 cm.
This antenna was patented in 1909 by the german hans beggerow. September 24 2018 february 27 2015. Have your j pole and ground it too. See more ideas about antenna ham radio antenna ham radio.
Buying your first hf ham radio transceiver a complete guide duration. Antena ini sudah banyak dikenal dan sangat populer di kalangan breaker negara paman sam amerika. 0087 la antena zeppelin zepp de beggerow 1909 j pole o antena j parte 1 de 2 duration. The j pole antenna is an end fed omnidirectional half wave antenna that is matched to the feedline by a quarter wave parallel transmission line stub of lecher system form.
Model sederhana tidak ribet tetapi memiliki pancaran rf yang bagus tidak kalah dengan antena antena vertikal lain yang sudah banyak dikenal. It is an implementation of one of the oldest antenna designs. Antena super j pole bisa untuk dual band vhf dan uhf. Being a half wave antenna it provides a small gain over a.
Sergio radioaficion 2 639 views. The j pole antenna is not a new conceptual design. J pole antennen hang efter luftskibet og j pole antennen udgøres af et enkelt element. The j pole antenna s long and storied design history is due for one more chapter to mitigate the longstanding mast current and reliability issues.
En j pole antenne også kendt som en j antenne er en radioantenne blev først opfundet af hans beggerow i 1909 til brug i zeppeliner luftskibe. For 2 meters the coil is 4 turns of coax at 5 inches in diameter.