Qrp Antenna Tuner Homebrew

Homebrew c l c qrp antenna tuner cryptic letters are codes for japanese chinese characters.
Qrp antenna tuner homebrew. Member of jarl internet qrp l member 572 and jarl qrp club 484 7n3wvm s home page for homebrewers 100 自作のqrpアマチュア無線局です 100 homebrew qrp amateur radio station cryptic letters are codes for. Homebrew c l c qrp antenna tuner this is a c l c type tuner with a reflected power indicator. Qrp mag loop tuner 80 20m by g8ode if plagued by local qrm lack of space or tall masts for a full sized 80 or 40m dipole the magnetic loop antenna may prove to be a useful alternative. Antenna tuners more accurately referred to as transmatches make great homebrew projects.
They are reasonably simple to build and when finished provide a useful piece of skip to content wb3gck qrp amateur radio. Tuning is done for minimum reflected power. It is relatively simple to make does not depend on a good ground and operates well at low heights over short medium and long distances.
Short video describing my homebrew l antenna tuner for qrp operation. Tuning is done for minimum reflected power. English readers may skip them. A homebrew antenna tuner carefully thought out i decided to build a homebrew antenna tuner because i needed a passive pre selector network to match an experimental end fed wire antenna to my qs1r sdr receiver.
In the schematic the inductor s units should read uh. Newest qrp hall of famer joe everhart n2cx presents us with another superb antenna treatise this time concerning the theory and homebrew practice of a reduced size 80m dipole with tuner perfect for psk31. After having studied many possible configurations i explain why i chose a modified version of the fri match for my homebrew antenna tuner.