Antenna Tipo J Pole Dual Band

I was so pleased with my results that i purchased enough materials to construct another j pole for portable use.
Antenna tipo j pole dual band. A dual band vhf uhf j pole. Indeed although many folks like to bandy the gain advantage of a collinear. The j pole antenna is an end fed omnidirectional half wave antenna that is matched to the feedline by a quarter wave parallel transmission line stub of lecher system form. A balun is necessary because a j pole antenna uses a balanced feed the.
Home made j pole antennas for six meter band 50 mhz category is a curation of 14 web resources on j pole antenna for 6 meters j pole antenna for your packet radio station j poles. See more ideas about antenna ham radio antenna ham radio. Scarc vhf uhf j pole antenna. The copper cactus j pole antenna design is a simple amateur radio antenna model that will allow you to operate both bands with good performance it is easy to make and the web offer several projects and examples we.
We already published in the 9 j pole antenna projects some samples of copper j pole antennas. Here a collection of links to make you own dual band vhf uhf copper cactus antenna. Matching to the feed line is achieved by sliding the connection of the feedline back and forth along the stub until an impedance match is obtained. This value is about 2 3 2 4 db higher than the average gain of a single radiator j pole.
The dual band j pole antenna 6mtr and 2mtr bands constructed and used at my previous residence in melbourne victoria from 2001 2007 due to space limitations and the need to keep the visual pollution of too many antennae to a minimum i required antennae that are able to cover multiple bands. Resources listed under j pole antenna for 50 mhz category belongs to 6m main collection and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. I built the dual band j pole antenna from the article in the september 1994 new ham companion an easy dual band vhf uhf antenna page 61 but i just can t get it to work. The design is based on an article which originally appeared in cq magazine 1987 and a version of this design is produced by arrow.
Being a half wave antenna it provides a small gain over a. Jan 15 2019 explore jafitek s board j pole antenna on pinterest. What can i do. With a 50 foot length of rg8 and the antenna 20 feet in the air swr was a respectable 1 13 1 for the 147 780 mhz input frequency and 1 01 1 for the 449 650 mhz input frequency.
Don murray w9ve building a dual band antenna mentorfest 10 23 04 16 an even better j pole electrically the gain is about 7 4 dbi. Heavy duty super sturdy 5 8 coupling nut for added resilience.