Yagi Antenna Design Lawson

Antenna design arrl or bill orr s radio engineer s handbook to name.
Yagi antenna design lawson. His boo k yagi antenna design is highly recommended for serious antenna designers. Lawson s yagi antenna design 2 has become the basic volume for modern yagi design. Further information on antenna design and feed systems see the radio amateurs handbook the arrl antenna handbook dr. It is a common practice these days using vertically stacked directional antennas in particular yagi udo type.
In addition there are several yagi optimizing programs whose results correlate well with nec models assuring the builder of predictable results. Yagi antenna design radio amateur s library hardcover june 1 1986 by jr. Als created yagi array designs la rgely by cut and try experimental techniques. Author 2 9 out of 5 stars 4 ratings.
The yagi antenna s basic design is a resonant fed dipole the fed dipole. The advent of powerful microcomput. Lawson s yagi antenna design arrl or bill orr s radio engineer s handbook to name only a few. Lawson was on the leading edge of computer optimization of multi element yagi antennas.
The yagi antenna s overall basic design consists of a resonant fed dipole the fed dipole is the driven element and in the picture above and the second from the left side with one or more. Will be referred to from here on as the driven element with one or more. In the early 1980s jim lawson w2pv described in detail for the amateur audience the fundamental mathematics in volved in modelin g yagis. These days the electrical design of antennas is easy.
Price new from used from. His book collects a lot of articles written for amateur radio publications explaining how to optimize these antennas and is still a valuable reference because he collects a great deal of the literature for validating antenna models against. A classic if now slightly dated reference on yagi antennas. There are plenty of yagi designs and computer modeling programs out there.
I picked this design out of lawson s yagi antenna design because it has good gain and pattern for just four elements 1 i wanted few elements for portable work more elements mean more assembly disassembly time. The effect of vertical stacking was very well described by james lawson w2pv in his historical yagi antenna design book.